Page 6 - Dutch Connetion deel 1
P. 6


        In doing ,a work euch-as thl.s there' are many spedial peopl e with whomI,,
have been in contact. D~ and hours that werespent at thè Herrick LibrarY
(geneEÜogysection), Holland, Michigan, going through many old books and
records, assisted by Mrs. Darlene, Winter ,andMr.Ralph Haan who graciously
gave of theirtime andtalent., Dr., Robert ,SlIrie:r~pga.{KenSt ate University)
who added a wealth of information with his .books of ship lists of the early

          Time was also spent at Western Theological SeJI4nary with Archivist
 NOl,'DlanKansfield;,and at Calvin Colle~ wi.1!hDr. HerbertB:t'inks and,. of course,
. the, good people at the Netherlands Museumalongwi th Mr. Jacob Jongkrijg of'
 Holland, Michigan who trusted me with documentsand books. , The "Inter-Library
 LoanSystem" was of greatvalue to me in acqÏli.ring obscure and priceless editions
 of Dutch history books,:thatfew knov exist, even a ,few very rar~, editions.

Steeringof the staf'fsof t~e RegensteinLibraryofthe  University of

ChiC8BO,Chicago Public Library (SpecialCollections) andthe Chicago Historical

Society Library were amongtheplaces wheremany, ~sand houza were spent and

help given me in the last 13years reseàrchlng this ma.terial. Thanks to Jackie

Polly,of the, HomewooHd emorial GardensCemeteg,who opened:reco:rds to me. A

tremendous 'am6unt of information came from Mr.Wl.llem Roozènbeek of' Deventer, in

the Ne'talerlands.

        Manypersonal' interviews were graciously,'related to me adding story upon
story of theDutch immigrants • Telephone callä.were'made to people unknownto
!I1e ,bu'twho .becaae interested in ,thair ,1 rw,ni~;~&~~. .r4'7J.jl:1.aa.

!l'h~follo.,ling is a list of some of.the'l?~qpl~;~hatgave mE!verbal and/or

printedinforma1!iolu Joyce(Anker). Boomker,'B~t:t;y.R. (van der Aa) Amell, John

J.Blo,*èr, Gary Boender, Jo, (WondB.ll)Boerider, Jennie (van der, Bilt) Broertjes,

JohnBra~chler, Russell Baies, John & Kate(vanDi-wîen) Blink, Rev. Isaac

Couwenho'VenN~el! de Graff, Ruth(Triemstra)Da~~, RIlth (van der~B~lt) de::eoer,

Grace(vanderBilt)   de Kruyter, Agnês(Heerema.)'dé Boer, Frances (Weatherly) de

Young,Lena (van Heest) de Boer, Jennie(ae Graff)van Vuuren,,~eymour & Yi rgini a

(Diekmàn):de Boer; Aeneas G. de Y6ung,Don&Corinne (de Vries) deYoung, Alyda

(vsnptlker) Eylander, Carrie (van der Griénd)Fi~h~r, William '&,Dorothy (BoThuis)

Gouw(itnsA, lan& Terry (de Graff) EVers, Robert & Katherine Gowens, MissesCora &

MargaretGouwens, DèsmondG~land, John & Ma.ryEllen Gifford, .Gertrude &Cobie

Kartkoorn, Joyèe (de Jorig) Huizenga, Sar~ HatUlema,'AnnF. (de 'Young) Kortenhoven,

JOha.n'l,lia(.B, oerhave) Krame:r,Esth,Etr CTri~mstra). Lagestee, Peter Lodewegen, James &

Joyce~(vm;tder Aa) Lagestee, Hilda (Lagestee) Kiel, Ruth (van Drunen) Mul.der,

Lenore~L8gestee) Mulder, EdwardNymeyer, Harry& Jeanette (Rietveld) Olthoff,

Rena(van der Meer) ~osterhof, Dorothy (van Drunen) Persch, Brian (C.P.) & Ma.ry

(Veld) Paarlberg, Herb Pals, Alice (de Young) Pals, Judith (van Drunen) Scheffers,

Luke &Pauline(Klompien) Schaap, John &Clara(Dalenberg) Shilling, Gertrude

(Sw:ets}~Schaap~Kenneth Schoon, Miss Maude Schaap, Mr. &'Mrs. GerritSmit, Gerrit

&Jo~(van  Hees:t) van Drunen, Betty (.Schaap)van Drunen, Miss FB\Yevan Drunen,

                     Robert&ADná (Schaap) van Drunen, John &.Laverne (Vree) van Drunen, Rex & Sharon

. --~

                     (M.ichä.lson),van Drunen, Marjorie (Schaap) ver Beek, Evelyn W. (van Drunen) Vogel,

JohnLOuis.Viilke".Esther (de Young) van der Woude,Elizabeth (Lagestee) van der ZeE

GerritVroegh, Adrian (se) van der Giessen, Jeanette van der Zee, Joan (van der

Giessen)Scheeringa, NeW.tonvanDrunen,Petervan Drunen, Edward van der Bilt,

Anthony & Nellie (van der Aa) van Drunen, Julia (Berger) van 1O.ey, Art van Baren,
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