Page 7 - Dutch Connetion deel 1
P. 7

Connie Veld, Art·Verdllin,Paul·Verduini Betty (Zigterfium) van Drunen, J08eph

van Schouwen,Andrew&Antje(van Heest) van der Aa, .Riehard van der Linden,

Ed Veld, Georp:(V()88.,:A~ l\)ertEJ(.Zyl~tra) van der . Zee', : Geitru~f!'(Anker)"Wie~, -,

Dr. CarlWälvoord, Baatiaan van Drunen and Henry de Valk. .


I ,want to apoli&1-;~_i:t,I:'~yeomitted;~one" ~~-·

i8 long, "but without· each 'and everyone ot you thiswork and the to be publiahed

later, ''Van:])~tm,;~ealog,y'':eould not have beendo~e~ !Dy errors 'I;~acçep~Aa .

m;ro' wnand 80liei teorreetiona tor future edi tiona.                                                          '.

       I have adeep p.r8onalgratit1?4e to al,:l who.eontributed llith"infomation
8Ó·that tl'1iehi8torymq be preserved tor thegenerationa to eome•. A 8pecial'
thank8 goe8 torq wif'e, Peg, whohelped in 80 many' wayè thóugh not'a HollandeJ:.'

ROB8X. Ettema


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